Application for Entrepreneurs

Apply as an entreprenuer with us and get access to funding and mentoring from some of the Top investors in the country

Entreprise Information

Please provide information about your company name & description

Entreprise Stage Assessment

Please select what stage your business is at.See stages and their description here

Objective: At this stage, you've identified a problem and brainstormed potential solutions.
You've validated the problem and assessed the feasibility of your idea.
Additionally, you've developed a business plan outlining your business model,
potential market, competitors, financial projections, and strategies.
Have you identified a clear problem that your business will solve?
Yes, and it's supported by extensive market research
Yes, but based on limited observations
The idea is in conception stage
What is your proposed solution to the problem?
I have a well-differentiated product that outperforms current solutions
Yes, but based on limited observations
The idea is in conception stage
Who are your potential customers?
They are clearly defined and have been verified through market segmentation
The customer segment has been broadly defined but not yet validated
Anyone who has a need for our product/service
What are your key risks and challenges?
The risks have been Identified with clear strategies to mitigate them
The risks have been Identified but no clear strategies in play yet
Not identified
Have you outlined any preliminary business models?
Yes I have, with multiple revenue streams identified
Yes, but with a single revenue stream
Our business model is being developed
Objective: This stage involves more detailed activities. You've developed a minimum viable
product (MVP) or prototype to provide potential users with a tangible preview of your
solution/product. You've assembled a core team with the necessary skills to launch the
startup. You've also invested some initial capital, which may include personal savings,
funding from friends and family, or angel investors.​
Do you have a prototype or MVP developed?​
Yes, with positive user feedback ​
It’s in development ​
Our business does not require a prototype ​
Who are the key members of your team, and what are their roles?​
We have a balanced team with all key areas covered ​
A team has been formed but not with the key skills ​
I am the founder, the other members of the team are on a contract engagement ​
What are your main objectives for the next six months?​
Our objectives are clearly defined with detailed action plans ​
The objectives are in the process of being defined ​
Grow the business ​
What funding have you secured so far?​
Some funding secured including personal funds covering more than 6 months of runway ​
Some funding secured, mostly personal funds ​
Apart from my savings, I have not gotten any funding ​
Have you identified any legal or regulatory concerns for your business?​
Key legal and regulatory concerns have been Identified and addressed ​
We have Identified them but not yet addressed ​
Not applicable to my business ​
Objective: At this stage, you're ready for significant funding. You've tested and validated
your MVP in the market and have begun refining the product based on early feedback.
You're prepared to receive funds from angel investors, venture capitalists,
or seed funds to scale the product/platform and team.​
What traction or revenue range have you generated to date?​
We have generated revenue (between $100k to $500k) with a growing user base of (5,000 - 10,000 & > users) ​
Our revenue is Intermittent ($10k to $50k)with user base of (100 - 4,000 &
We have not generated revenue or acquired any users yet ​
What is your strategy for ongoing product or service development?​
We have deployed a clear roadmap with scheduled updates and innovations ​
We have highlighted general ideas for development but not yet deployed ​
We think that it we will lose our growth traction if we focused on product/service development at this stage
How do you plan to scale your product or service?​
The product design and business model has infused in it our strategy to scalability ​
We have identified some scalability potential, but are faced with some challenges ​
We are not poised for scalability at this stage ​
What funding do you need to reach the next stage, and how will it be used?​
Our funding need has been stated previously, and we have a detailed allocation plan ​
We have an estimated schedule of our funding needs ​
Our funding requirements are not clear at this stage ​
What legal protections for intellectual property rights have you secured?​
We have secured Key IP patents or trademarks ​
We are in the process of securing IP patents and trademarks ​
We do not have an IP patents or trademark limitations ​
Objective: You've progressed from the MVP to a full-scale product or service offering.
You've expanded your business infrastructure to support larger-scale operations.
You've initiated strategies to grow your user/customer base and enter new markets.
You're actively seeking Series A and further funding to fuel the growth and development
of the business.​
How do you plan to maintain your competitive advantage?​
Our agile strategy is hinged on continuous innovation and improvement of our product/service
We’ve penned a few ideas for maintaining competitiveness ​​
Reduced pricing whilst driving user acquisition ​​
What are the projected financials for the next 1-3 years?​
We have detailed projections with assumptions based on market analysis on our term sheet
We project a 30% to 70% increase in revenue over the next 3 years ​
The projected financials process is in progress ​
How are you managing customer support and satisfaction?​
We have a dedicated and flexible team ​
Basic customer support in place ​
No specific measures for customer support ​
How does your funding request align with your growth projections?​
Fully aligned with detailed justifications for each expense ​
Generally aligned but lacks some specifics ​
Misaligned or unjustified funding request ​
What new markets are you targeting, and why?​
Our target markets have been clearly identified with detailed entry strategies ​
We are in the process identifying new markets ​
We are not considering new markets at this time ​
Objective: You've progressed from the MVP to a full-scale product or service offering.
You've expanded your business infrastructure to support larger-scale operations.
You've initiated strategies to grow your user/customer base and enter new markets.
You're actively seeking Series A and further funding to fuel the growth and development
of the business.
How are you planning to achieve long-term sustainability?​
Through diversified revenue streams and strong market positioning ​
Depending on continued market growth without diversification ​
No clear plan for sustainability ​
What measures have you taken to optimize operational efficiency?​
Implementation of advanced processes and technologies ​
Some processes in place but not fully optimized ​
No measures taken ​
What are your strategies for talent acquisition and retention?​
Comprehensive HR policies and competitive benefits ​
Basic HR policies in place ​
No strategies for talent management ​
How do you leverage data and technology in your business operations?​
Extensively, with clear benefits to efficiency and decision-making ​
Limited use of data and technology ​
Minimal or no use ​
What are your long-term financial projections?
Well-documented and justified with market data ​
Exist but are not well-supported by data ​
Not developed ​
Objective: You've progressed from the MVP to a full-scale product or service offering.
You've expanded your business infrastructure to support larger-scale operations.
You've initiated strategies to grow your user/customer base and enter new markets.
You're actively seeking Series A and further funding to fuel the growth and development
of the business.
What is your exit strategy, and how have you prepared for it?​
Well-defined strategy (e.g., IPO, acquisition) with preparatory steps taken ​
Exit strategy considered but not fully planned ​
No exit strategy ​
How do you measure the overall health of your business?​
Comprehensive metrics across all key performance areas ​
Basic metrics focused on financials only ​
No systematic approach to measuring business health ​
What steps have you taken to ensure your business can operate without you?​
Succession planning and delegation structures in place ​
Some planning, but dependent on key individuals ​
No planning for operation without current leadership ​
How do you plan to continue growing in mature markets?​
Innovation and market adaptation strategies are in place ​
Plans to expand within current product lines only ​
No specific plans for growth in mature markets ​
What are your contingency plans for market downturns or financial crises?​
Comprehensive contingency plans with financial buffers and operational flexibility ​
Some basic contingency measures ​
No contingency plans ​

Contact Information

Please provide information about how we can contact you